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Problem skin - corneotherapy

Skin care for teenagers
Young people are literally apprentices when it comes to their skincare. What is important and what should they know? We have put together some practical advice here.
Three times active against wrinkles
Cosmetic active ingredients have multiple functions. Taken together, the spectrum of activities corresponds to the typical set of instruments against premature skin ageing, i.e., anti-aging. It can be divided into preventive protective, regenerative and anti-inflammatory activities. Sustainability plays an increasingly important role here.
Corneotherapy – Quo vadis?
Strengthening and maintaining the health of the stratum corneum is the goal of corneotherapy. What is important in the material composition, which application possibilities there are and why it is still not mainstream, you can find out here.
Anti-aging products and treatments under the microscope
When it comes to anti-aging products, the question arises as to what has a superficial, temporary, substantial or lasting effect against signs of aging in the skin. Keeping an overview has become difficult. Find out the most important facts, effective treatment methods and sustainable active ingredients here.
Problem skin – relapses in skin care and dermatology – how to handle them?
In medical terminology, the expression relapse describes the reoccurrence of a disease or a symptom after an already finished treatment. Relapses also occur in the dermatological or cosmetic context when disorders reappear after a successful treatment phase. Find out here what causes the relapses and for which indications the accompanying skin care makes sense.
Skin and skin care – physiology and chemistry in balance? *)
No chemical, only natural or biologically grown ingredients – this is a very popular attitude to skin care products today. The molecular facts behind are far more complicated when addressing the details. Actually a very interesting topic for chemical scientists and the following outline of this multidisciplinary field will show why.
Inflammaging – the role of adequate skin care
Various causes are responsible for the human skin aging process. Research still remains to be done in order to clarify all the mechanisms involved in the highly complex interactions. A very recent research approach focuses on the so-called inflammaging or in other words the age-related inflammation of the skin.
The seeming and the real - What really works: Cosmeceuticals, Placebos & Co.
The supply of products and promises are booming in the anti-aging beauty care. Not only consumers but also professionals have a hard time staying on top of things. In the following you will find a summary on reliable but also dispensable substances.
Stratum corneum - from corneobiochemistry to corneotherapy
The epidermis is a dynamic system of continuous proliferation and differentiation. It mainly consists of keratinocytes, melanocytes and immune-competent cells. The stratum corneum, the uppermost layer of the epidermis is of major significance for the barrier function of the skin. The barrier is formed of keratinized skin cells (corneocytes) which are embedded into a matrix of multiple lamellar lipid layers.
Skin - from the outside in
Keeping the skin's barrier in good health could be the key to optimal skincare according to the team at dermaviduals. Lizzy Wood reports.
Treatment of problem skins - an overview
If you start out to renovate a building you should begin with the roof. In terms of the problem skin, first priority should be given to the skin barrier. Next step then is the renovation or in other words the recovery of the skin. Which active agents are appropriate in this case? The following article will provide assistance.
The future of skincare has arrived.
Lasting effect? Tendencies in anti-aging treatments
Wrinkles - now customers can well do without these and that is the reason why they willingly buy the promoted anti-aging skin care products on the market. Aim of these products however should be the effective prevention of the skin aging process. According to Dr. Hans Lautenschläger empty words or short-lived agents only are not enough.
Medical Wellness - a powerful combination
Cosmetics - medicine - wellness: an increasing number of intersections and overlappings can be noticed between these disciplines. Cosmetics is spreading its activities into the boundaries of medicine. The field of "medical wellness" fills the gap between medicine and wellness and often has its roots in the traditional folk medicine of different cultures. The following paper explains the term "medical wellness" and describes how the field of cosmetics can play an active part.
Applied corneotherapy and skin care - guidelines for the anti-aging treatment
Based on the corneotherapeutic treatment founded by Prof. A. Kligman a detailed strategy against premature skin aging is discussed. Specific elements of this strategy are the preservation of the NMF (moisture balance, protection against radicals) as well as the barrier layers, the protection against sun radiation and their consequences, the support of regenerative processes as well as reflections on the fatty acid balance of the skin. The individual care of damaged and problem skin is described in connection with appropriate base creams and corneotherapeutic actives. Treatment processes are accompanied by specific diagnostic techniques to determine the skin condition. The principle of extended "outside-in" therapy (extended corneotherapy) is explained and examples for temporarily effective anti-aging actives are added.
Corneotherapy and anti-aging
Corneotherapy was coined in the nineties by Professor A.M. Kligman. In his studies he proved that a skin therapy with moisturizers already could achieve clinical effects. Experience has shown now that corneotherapy can also protect the skin against premature aging.
History and current aspects of corneotherapy1)
The term corneotherapy was coined by A. Kligman. A persistent corneotherapeutic treatment of the disturbed homeostasis as the characteristic feature of atopic dermatitis with appropriate skin care substances may achieve substantial clinical effects. In summary, it can be said that corneotherapy aims at the recovery of the stratum corneum and above all, it improves the function of the skin barrier and subsequently also the overall homeostasis of the skin. For the purposes of a preventive corneotherapy it is essential to avoid skin care products with harmful substances such as irritants and allergens, to select the appropriate skin care substances, to individually adapt the skin care products to the specific skin problems and to possibly change behavioral patterns following a corneotherapeutic consultation. Recent clinical studies have indicated that not only barrier disorders like atopic dermatitis respond to corneotherapy. Also cornification disorders and dermatoses may be treated adjuvantly with success. The studies are based on a therapy with membrane structure products closely related to the chemical and physical structure in the stratum corneum. An important precondition obviously is the presence of phosphatidylcholine. Phosphatidylcholine may be used in membrane creams (barrier creams) and liposomes. Further galenic forms are nanoparticles and oleogels. It depends on the skin analysis and the specific skin problem which galenic form is the most effective treatment for the particular case. Moreover, modular systems allow the addition of pharmaceutical and cosmetic actives. One of the major advantages is the fact that corneotherapy is largely free of the side effects known from topical pharmaceuticals. Preventively applied, corneotherapy may extend the intervals between attacks and reduce or even avoid the use of conventional dermatics.
Corneotherapy - ...more than just a surface application
Experience shows that besides their influence on the release of active agents base creams can have substantial effects of their own.
Specific active agents and bases in corneotherapy
The term corneotherapy was coined in the late nineties1) by Professor Albert M. Kligman. The basic idea of corneotherapy is that topically applied substances as e.g. moisturizers and lipids influence the biochemistry and physics in the horny layer as well as subsequent processes in deeper skin layers which again have effects on the constitution of the horny layer.
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Revision: 27.05.2021