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Cosmetics - beauty institute


Questionable "free from" advertising

Regardless of the industry, a lot is promised in advertising that does not necessarily correspond to reality. In the cosmetics and food industries, advertising often focuses on emphasising ingredients. For some time now, however, advertising has also been focussing on components that are not contained in a product. What should we make of these claims?
published in Medical 2024 (2), 20-23

Category: beauty institutes

How competitive are beauty salons?

Can beauty salons survive in an environment of constant change in the future? This question is asked above all by those who are about to make the decision to become self-employed. What answers can be given to them?
published in Kosmetik und Pflege 2023 (4), 24-26

Category: beauty institutes

Problem skin – relapses in skin care and dermatology – how to handle them?

In medical terminology, the expression relapse describes the reoccurrence of a disease or a symptom after an already finished treatment. Relapses also occur in the dermatological or cosmetic context when disorders reappear after a successful treatment phase. Find out here what causes the relapses and for which indications the accompanying skin care makes sense.
published in Beauty Forum 2022 (3), 56-57 und 2022 (5), 56-57

Category: problem skin

Product advertising – just not too creative

Advertising stimulates business. And digitalisation opens up many opportunities to disseminate sales-promoting information cost-effectively alongside print media. However, this is often overlooked: Not everything is allowed – this also applies to the cosmetics industry.
published in Kosmetik International 2022 (3), 86-88

Category: beauty institutes

Minimalist and effective

Cosmetic products reduced to the essentials: The trend of skin minimalism follows the assumption that even in cosmetics, the maximum is by no means always the best. Neither for the skin nor for the environment.
published in Kosmetik International 2022 (3), 46-48

Category: beauty institutes

Less agents for more care? Skin care with few active agents

A long-term trend in cosmetics is to pack a large number of agents into the preparations in order to improve their convenience and enhance the optical criteria. The concept of “All inclusive” includes active agents and, similar to multivitamin pills, not only facilitates the work of the marketing department but also pleases customers as they can provide for all contingencies and have the best product to show. May be, or maybe not?
published in Beauty Forum 2021 (6), 56-58

Category: products

Cosmetic devices & products - what is beneficial and what is unnecessary?

Cosmetic devices - the bigger and the more recent they are - demonstrate modernity. Digital displays are more convincing than words when it comes to skin diagnosis, treatment and consultation. They are a major key to success not only for customer acquisition but also in the daily routine. When cosmetic devices are combined with the application of cosmetic preparations we can even speak of a dream team.
published in Beauty Forum 2019 (5), 14-18

Category: beauty institutes

Minimalism in cosmetics - can less also be more?

What does really matter and what is unnecessary? A lot of people ask themselves such kind of almost philosophical questions on their lifestyle to find an alternative plan to today's excessive consumption. Are such minimalistic considerations also significant in the context of cosmetic care?
published in medical Beauty Forum 2019 (6), 16-18

Category: beauty institutes

Anti-aging treatments - are they still available without cosmetic devices?

Using modern skin care devices in cosmetic institutes becomes more and more popular, above all if it is a matter of anti-aging treatments. Frequently the clients ask for visible results and book skin care treatments with cosmetic devices.
published in Kosmetik & Pflege 2017 (1), 22-23

Category: beauty institutes

Skin and body odours

Our body odour surrounds us like an aura. It contributes to whether we feel an instant attraction or dislike for another person.
published in medical Beauty Forum 2016 (6), 12-17

Category: beauty institutes

Unwanted adverse effects

When cosmetic products trigger allergies and intolerances often the ingredients are the troublemakers. Frequently overlooked are essential (co-)factors such as the individual skin constitution, random exogenous impacts, inappropriate preparations, too much or too many skin care products and, last but not least, the psychological make-up.
published in Ästhetische Dermatologie (mdm) 2016 (7), 50-55

Category: beauty institutes

Bioengineering of the skin - combo makes the difference

More and more beauty institutes use devices and equipment to optimize their skin care treatments. It also is a fact that most of the device-assisted techniques are inconceivable without the appropriate preparations.
published in medical Beauty Forum 2015 (6), 42-45

Category: beauty institutes

Treatment of problem skins - an overview

If you start out to renovate a building you should begin with the roof. In terms of the problem skin, first priority should be given to the skin barrier. Next step then is the renovation or in other words the recovery of the skin. Which active agents are appropriate in this case? The following article will provide assistance.
published in Kosmetik International 2012 (8), 16-19

Category: problem skin

Product variety in the beauty institute

Offering a wide range of different products today has become the recipe for success of the beauty institute. Not only when establishing new beauty institutes but also in general it is recommended to carefully select the products for treatment and sale.
published in Kosmetik International 2001 (8), 34-38

Category: beauty institutes

Worth knowing - the cosmetician as a consultant

Specifically in cases of problem skin the cosmetician is predestined to offer comprehensive consultation on skin care and skin treatment after the skin is analyzed. Prerequisite here is detailed information on the products.
published in Kosmetik International 2001 (7), 32-33

Category: beauty institutes

Preventive care in the beauty institute

The task of the cosmetician is not only to provide a short-term improvement of the skin but also to effectively support the prevention of skin diseases.
published in Kosmetik International 2000 (3), 16-18 

Category: beauty institutes

Protect your skin too

Besides all the efforts of caring for the skin of the clients, the skin protection of the cosmeticians should not be neglected. Day in, day out, the cosmetician gets into contact with the products she uses for the treatments. High-quality products are useful which also protect the skin of the cosmetician.
published in Kosmetik International 1999 (6), 114-116

Category: skin protection

Skin care for cosmeticians - new developments in skin care

The latest amendments in the German Cosmetic Directive (KVO) have shed some light on the ingredients of cosmetic products. As Dr. Hans Lautenschläger explained in his lecture held at the 5th Professional Training on Dermatology and Cosmetics in Munich, declarations regarding the ingredients (INCI) frequently are neglected when selecting a product.
published in Kosmetische Praxis 2000 (2), 30-33 

Category: skin protection

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