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Phosphatidylserine in skin care


Where is skin care heading in the future? The key aspects are explained against the background of the properties of a cosmetic active ingredient from the phospholipids group.

There are currently two developments in skin care. On the one hand, there is a move away from skin-damaging additives and the increasing use of physiological ingredients, i.e. substances that are endogenous or metabolised by the body without side effects. On the other hand, special attention is being paid to harmonising the individual substances and the overall compositions with the skin microbiome. Phosphatidylserine – a long-known component from the group of phospholipids – is establishing itself in skin care and fulfils both developments.

The complete manuscript with references has been published under:

Hans Lautenschläger, Trend zu physiologischen Inhaltsstoffen – Phosphatidylserin in der Hautpflege, Chemie in unserer Zeit 2024, 58 (2), 93-97. Copyright © 2023 Wiley-VCH GmbH. Final version:; first published: 11. August 2023

Please note: The contribution is based on the state of the art at the revision date.

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Revision: 23.08.2024