The base modelage is mixed with lukewarm water in a 1:1 ratio, i.e. 1 level measuring spoon base modelage powder with 1 level measuring spoon water = 50 ml. The modelage is applied generously on the skin. One measuring spoon base modelage will cover an area of about twice the size of a hand. The modelage will harden out after a little while and after about 20 minutes it may be removed completely in form of a flexible film without leaving any sticky residues on the skin. One application requires about 15 to 60 gram mask powder as follows
hand/facial pack: 15 g with 50 ml of lukewarm water
face-neck-neckline: 30 g with 100 g of lukewarm water
back treatment: 45 g with 150 ml of lukewarm water
cellulite pack: 45 g with 150 ml of lukewarm water
Cabinet treatment (facial pack):
cover up hairline
apply active agent concentrates on specified skin areas
apply DMS-base cream, oil or massage oil
mix mask powder with water
quickly apply prepared mask onto skin, neck and neckline using a spatula. Spare eye and mouth parts
leave on for about 20 minutes
remove the gel-like modelage and dab off potential residues with moist compresses |