Lamellar cream bases are appropriate formulations for skin care but also for skin protection purposes due to their chemical composition and their physical characteristics1,2,3. Professional associations recommend the preparations for the occupational skin protection in particular for the contact with different working substances4 and for recovery purposes; meanwhile, skin protection and skin recovery are rated equally5,6. The relationship of lamellar creams with the lamellar structures of liposomes and nanodispersions based on phospholipids7, allows a smooth transition from skin protection to an active agent dominated skin care8. As regards the skin care, the skin barrier can be opened for the penetration of active agents and then closed again without the risk of counterproductive occlusive conditions. This specific technique is rather significant for professional treatments9. The washout effect of lamellar cream bases in comparison to typical O/W emulsions is negligible with the result that the natural barrier structure with its characteristic conformation is largely maintained, a fact that is particularly important for problem skins. Hence they are appropriate formulations for the treatment of barrier disorders10. As far as the supportive prevention is concerned, individual cosmetic formulations in strict accordance with the German Cosmetic Regulation (KVO) can be prepared in the pharmacy11,12,13. Regarding dermatological prescriptions14,15,16, the German Ordinance on the Operation of Pharmacies as to the definition of additives (cream bases) and pharmaceutical active agents has to be considered17,18. A number of active agents serve for dermatological but also for cosmetic preparations19; in these cases the respective regulation regarding the claims should be observed. Topical treatments can either be realized on a modular base by preparing individual formulations or alternatively by applying finished lamellar products. In the foreground are preparations for the care of barrier, cornification and connective tissue disorders as well as sun protection preparations. The transition of the dermatological therapy to a cosmetic prevention can easily be realized. A comparison of cosmetic and dermatological formulations based on medical indications shows that various skin disorders already can be cured by applying appropriate skin care preparations20,21,22. A characteristic is the release of active agents from lamellar preparations: liposomes with polar active agents, such as azelaic acid help avoid high initial dosages. Vitamin-A derivatives from phospholipidic nanodispersions show typical Vitamin-A acid effects already in low concentrations23. Depot effects can be observed with cream bases which allow time-dependent dosage reductions24. The current state of knowledge on lamellar formulations is reviewed25 with reference to a symposium on this subject in May 201326. 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Dr. Hans Lautenschläger |